The offer includes training to increase skills and competencies with extensive knowledge transfer and matchmaking events for cooperation accompanied by an exchange of best practices and mentoring support.
These capacity-building activities will enable the company to implement new practices in its businesses.

The enterprise will be supported with 7,000 if it will be selected to be one of the beneficiaries of Tourism 4.0.

The call is aimed at a small or medium-sized enterprise located in one of the 5 countries such as Italy, Portugal, Spain, Malta, and Croatia from one of the following categories:

  • Hotels and similar accommodations
  • Holidays and another type of accommodation for short stays
  • Travel agencies, tour operators, booking services, and related businesses

Registrations open for the Open Lab of the European CulTourData Project

Are you a tourism company investing in the future?
Do you want to combine the potential of data and the opportunities of the European Capitals of Culture and advance with us innovative solutions for your business?
Would you like to use up to € 7.000,00 of funding to embark on the path towards these solutions?
Have you already given us the nod three times? That’s perfect. Then we are your partner and CulTourData is the ideal project for your goals.
An Open Lab of the European Project CulTourData, aimed at cultural and creative industries, technology developers and tourism SMEs, will take place on 20 December.
Organised by the Extremadura Tourism Cluster, it will take place in the Incubator Room of Garage 2.0, in Cáceres.

Link to registration by clicking here

25 places available

Clúster de Turismo de Extremadura participates in the first National Meeting of Tourism and Innovation Clusters

Adestic (Clúster de Empresas Innovadoras para el Turismo de la Comunidad Valenciana), in collaboration with Turisme Generalitat Valenciana has organised and hosted this event.

The aim of the event, divided into two days, is to reflect on the role that technological development and tourism digitalisation companies should play in the whole process of digital transformation that has begun and accelerated after Covid-19, together with the arrival of the European Union’s Next Generation Funds, with more than 3,900 million euros for tourism. An investment that implies “a historic opportunity to change the Spanish tourism model, which is heavily dependent on factors such as price, seasonality and lack of product diversification”, according to Adestic

100,000 € in prizes for fifteen companies and entrepreneurs in Extremadura

Interested individuals and companies may submit their candidature for the Extremadura Entrepreneurial Region Awards until 12 December.


  • Entrepreneurs with Business Ideas, 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 euros.
  • New Extremaduran Company, three companies will be awarded 6,000, 4,000 and 3,000 euros.


  • Award for Business Digitalisation, Award for Sustainability and Efficiency.
  • Award for Sustainability and Efficiency.
  • Awards for the Initiative against Rural Depopulation.
  • Businesswoman Award.
  • Orange Company Award.
  • Excellent and Socially Responsible Company Award.
  • Award to the driving industry, Generation of Knowledge Award.
  • Knowledge Generation Award.
  • Employment Generating Services Sector Company Award.

Access all the information on the requirements, regulations and application forms on the Extremadura Entrepreneurial Region Awards website.

The event ‘Cáceres City of Dragons’ receives the Extremadura Tourism Innovation Award

Premio Innovación Turística de Extremadura

On the second day of the Tourism Innovation Breakfasts, held on 14th November in Almendralejo, the eighth edition of the Extremadura Tourism Innovation Award of the Clúster del Turismo de Extremadura was presented.

Between 21st and 23rd October, Cáceres became the world epicentre of the Games of Thrones saga and its prequel The House of the Dragon, produced by HBO. This successful gathering allowed Cáceres and Extremadura to be promoted inside and outside Spain, in addition to the economic and social impact it had on the city of Cáceres.

The award was collected by Jorge Villar, Councillor for Tourism of Cáceres City Council.

Successful conclusion of the Tourism Innovation Breakfasts after the conference in Almendralejo

Mesa debate Desayunos de Innovación Turística de Almendralejo

On Monday 14th November took place the second breakfast on tourism innovation that the Extremadura Tourism Cluster has organised together with the Directorate General of Tourism. The conference in Almendralejo was a success and was attended by more than 70 participants, including representatives from the municipalities, tourist offices and entrepreneurs from the sector.

These tourism innovation conferences fall within the framework of the actions planned by the Directorate General for Tourism through the Extremadura Tourism Plan 2021-2023, which are part of the Extremadura Tourism Strategy 2030.

Held the first day of the Tourism Innovation Breakfasts in Alcántara

Desayunos de Innovación Turística en Alcántara

Yesterday, Monday 7th November, the first of the Tourism Innovation Breakfasts that the Extremadura Tourism Cluster organises together with the Directorate General of Tourism took place in Alcántara. The event was successfully carried out with the presence of more than 60 guests who attended, among other interventions, the presentation and subsequent round table discussion. Media such as: Región Digital, Directo Extremadura, La Aldaba and Onda Cero have echoed the event held yesterday.

We remind you that the next conference of the Tourism Innovation Breakfasts will take place on Monday 14th in Almendralejo, at Bodegas Martínez Paiva and that registrations are still open for those who wish to attend. You can consult the programme and registration in the following news: Registration and programme of the Tourism Innovation Breakfasts.

Tourism innovation breakfasts on November 7th and 14th Hospedería Conventual de Alcántara | Bodegas Martínez Paiva, Almendralejo

The Directorate General for Tourism and the Extremadura Tourism Cluster are organising two ‘Tourism Innovation Breakfasts’, with different programmes, to be held on 7 and 14 November at 9:30 am at the Hospedería de Alcántara and Bodegas Martínez Paiva in Almendralejo, respectively. These conferences will provide the keys to promoting innovation and digitalisation in the tourism sector.

Registrations to attend the ‘Tourism Innovation Breakfasts’ are now closed. Full capacity. Sorry for the inconvenience.

SEPYE Silver Badge partner organisation certificate 2022

Last Wednesday an event was organised in Badajoz, in the Edificio Metálico of the UNEX, which brought together companies, institutions and freelancers and at which the UNImpulso awards were presented to recognise the work of the companies that collaborate with the SEPYE for the incorporation of university graduates into the world of work.

The Clúster del Turismo de Extremadura received the SILVER insignia for its first steps in this programme with the incorporation of 2 workers under the umbrella of the PIT (Innovation and Talent Programme) and a worker in the PIRT programme (Programme for Internationalisation and Return of Talent).

We will continue to move forward and collaborate in this proposal that allows young people to enter the world of work with a significant benefit for employers.

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