CulTourData – Accommodation Management Naturalmente Project

The Extremadura Tourism Cluster participates as a partner in the European project CulTourData (ID: 101038124), framed within the COSME programme of the European Commission, for the competitiveness of tourism companies and SMEs.

Ten projects from Spanish companies have been approved and awarded €7,000 to achieve sustainable growth in cultural tourism through collaboration with the cultural and creative industries and innovation based on data and digitisation.


One of the projects chosen was that of the company Naturalmente Gestión de Alojamientos, in collaboration with the creative company Amantes de Mentes and the data and digitalisation expert Juan José Cerezo. The aim of this collaboration is to improve the website and booking systems of the accommodations, allowing the personalisation of the stay with a few resources or products that the client can access at the time of purchase, which will generate more affinity, income and satisfaction.

The evolution of digital tools in the tourism sector has advanced significantly in the last 5 years, the adaptation of the company to technology is part of survival and this project explores new direct marketing techniques to reduce intermediation costs and improve web visibility, as we believe that when the customer finds an immersive experience in the main channel, 90% of the direct booking is assured; when data is missing, images are not taken care of or the discourse is weak, the customer senses it. This is why we work on improving the digital experience to bring customers to our booking portal more easily.

Partner entities

It is a small company made up of two rural accommodation establishments.

Integral communication agency in the world of creativity and marketing.

Digital marketing professional, community manager and content creator

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