CulTourData – Hotel Soho Boutique Casa Don Fernando Project

The Extremadura Tourism Cluster participates as a partner in the European project CulTourData (ID: 101038124), framed within the COSME programme of the European Commission, for the competitiveness of companies and SMEs.

Ten projects from Spanish companies have been approved and awarded €7,000 to achieve sustainable growth in cultural tourism through collaboration with the cultural and creative industries and innovation based on data and digitisation.


One of the projects chosen was that of the Hotel Soho Boutique Casa Don Fernando, in collaboration with the creative company Amantes de Mentes and the data and digitalisation expert company Pictograma. The aim of this collaboration is to offer tourists a new experience when they book and when they arrive at the hotel, which sets it apart from the rest of the accommodation in its area of operation.

The main objective is to increase its competitive advantage, seeking product differentiation among the wide range of hotels in Cáceres. To this end, this project aims to create immersive cultural experiences for its clients as a complement to the tourist visits carried out by the official tourist guides. Hoping, with these actions, to increase the hotel’s annual guest figures.

Partner entities

Three-star hotel located in the Plaza Mayor of Cáceres.

Integral communication agency in the world of creativity and marketing.

Web design and digital marketing agency.

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