To significantly improve the service of organising historical re-enactment events in terms of increasing the competitiveness of companies in the Extremadura tourism sector, and specifically of those grouped in the AEI, of greater involvement of citizens and public administrations and of increasing the attraction of tourism to Extremadura.
93.330,00 €Consortium of Historical Recreations +
- AEI Tourism Cluster of Extremadura (coordinator).
- León Castro y Asociados (origin of the idea, expert in historical recreations).
- Norba Consultores (with the advice of MARKETUR, developed the research).
- Optitur (development of the platform, expert in marketing tourism products).
Main project actions
- Research on the State of the Art in relation to the organisation of historical re-enactments.
- Definition of a methodology for the organisation of a quality historical re-enactment.
- Web platform for the organisation and marketing of historical re-enactments.
- Activities to disseminate the project and raise the awareness of the actors involved.
- Training activities for the business sector in recreation marketing.