
Marketing actions for Iberian pork products to promote Extremadura through its gastronomy. It was a project for the marketing of gastronomic products and tourist services led by the company Bellota y Jara S.L. It was made up of and represented by small producers, farmers and stockbreeders who produce and manage their products in extensive farming, mainly Iberian hams, olive oils and wines, in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in the territory of the Dehesa Ecosystem, who know the land that produces them and who control the entire production process under quality requirements from the origin. Advised to go to the market by professionals in communication, new technologies and marketing.

Tierra de Bellotas unified us all in a process that aimed to enhance the products of our land to make them reach a global market without limits, by quality, price and real knowledge of the product.

Our products have their own D.N.I., and we, producers, lovers of our land and our livestock, who are in the field every day, know the whole process, from the moment it is a tiny grain in the ground, from the moment it is born, until we send it to you for you to enjoy it.


65.050 €
66.434 €
Financed by:
Regional Government of Extremadura. Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism and AEI Tourism Cluster of Extremadura


With the mentioned spirit of innovation and constant search for differentiation in tourism, as well as trying to achieve a differential value in this area, the Gastronomic Tourism Project “JAMONTURISMO: MADE IN EXTREMADURA” was created.

It was a project based on a unique, native and top quality product, which provided, in addition to the existing ones, NEW REAL ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES, in the territories and rural and natural areas of Extremadura, that GIVED VALUE AT THE SAME TIME TO THE PRODUCTIONS OF THE EXTREMADURAN CATTLE FARMERS AND THEIR PROCESSING INDUSTRIES.

JAMONTURISMO: MADE IN EXTREMADURA, was a project based on a strategy with a double objective:

  • To improve the tourist offer of Extremadura.
  • To favour the positioning and sale of the product.

The two previous points were based on a unique experience, providing a clear and necessary advantage for our region: COMMERCIALISATION AND FIDELISATION OF THE TWO MARKETS WE ARE TARGETING: the tourism sector and the agri-food sector.

It was a project aimed at satisfying a “clearly growing vocation” of consumption of our star product “HAM”, providing unique experiences and experiences around it, in a “unique” and natural environment such as the Dehesa Extremadura and all in a training, didactic and educational context around the “culture of ham”.


This was a network of restaurants whose main mission was to promote the local gastronomy of Extremadura, based on the products that come from our dehesa, a gastronomy that we know is of great quality, but not sufficiently well known.

The aim of this project was to raise awareness of the gastronomy of our region, thus seeking to increase tourism. The dissemination of this quality local gastronomy also sought to add value to the farmers and livestock breeders of Extremadura as well as to the processing industries, all of this from a clear orientation towards the consumer, providing an exquisite service to the tourist who comes from anywhere in our country or from outside it, or to the tourist from Extremadura itself.

Tierra de Bellotas Restaurant Network was born with an exact definition of Extremadura cuisine, image and design towards what the project wished to transmit: HIGH QUALITY CUISINE AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES. The “Tierra de Bellotas Restaurant Network” constituted an EXCLUSIVE opportunity for the restaurant sector in Extremadura.

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